Saturday, January 9, 2016

Got books?

Got Books?

Books while entertaining, can also be very good teachers. In most of my books I do try to teach a little about things that you may not be familiar with.

For instance:

Do you know what eye-balling is? How and where kids are stashing their drugs? How about a skittles party? You need Snapshots from Home

How familiar are you with drunkorexia? You need Diaries of the Cheshire Girls

Financial abuse? March Hare Blues is the book for you.

Hate body-shaming? Wondering about PTSD? Pick up Strength of the Jabberwock

Adult Children of Alcoholics? All The Queen's Horses

Bullying? School-shootings? Dissociation? Cry of the Mock Turtle can shed some light on that.

How about human trafficking? How predators trap teens into prostitution? You might want to read Knave of Hearts.

The next time you read, don't just settle for a good story! Demand the writer inform you as well.

You can find all of these books and much more at our website

That's my side of it,


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