Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jus Sayin

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.

Edmund Burke

I taught my child with a specific lecture when she was small. I told her, “You do something good and the feeling lasts less than 5 minutes. Do something bad and you create regrets that last forever. Create enough of them and they will pile on your head until you lose your face in shame.

Everything in life has a consequence. Everything in life also has a pay-off. If the pay-off out weighs the consequence move forward. Otherwise, make room for regret.”

Toady is not something God is contractually obligated to create. It is a gift. Hence the word present. Don't worry, not a yolo post.

Life can get pretty dark. Seriously over-whelming, anxiety ridden. But everyone is going through everything!! Different situations but the same or similar emotional response. I have good news, there's a way to disperse darkness. Very simply, turn on the light.

How? Get out of your own self-absorbed head and lend a hand, no matter how minimal to another being. When you help your brothers, fellow, you walk out of the darkness together. This is EXACTLY why there are other living beings on earth all emanating from the same source and each created with a sense of purpose. We can cower in darkness alone (the pity-pot being a one-seater) or we can walk to the light in unity. I know which I'll chose. Do you?

That's my side of it,


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