Thursday, November 6, 2014

I just wrote this

Icarus Strain

I was...
Once I was all...
I was exalted, respected, golden
I was...
Once upon a time...
I was triumphant
I was.

I am...
breath and passion …
dreams not yet recognized
I am...
regret and promise...
I am.

I will be...
again upon the mountain top...
this time refusing to look down...
lest I ruin the dreams of those
still climbing...
as I am.

I face...
another journey...
another obstacle...
I am...
I am that obstacle.
That roadblock...
I am.

I was...
the wings, the wind,
the voice of revolution...
I was fire and ferocity
Once upon a time,
I led,
I followed,
I was...
the creator of regret...
I was
the golden boy...
I was.

I am...
the obstruction and hindrance
I am...
the goal and the prize...
I am the path no longer walked
I am...
Two paths, one choice
no decision.
I am.

I will be...
the mediocrity I settle for...
the epic battle I choose...
win or lose...
I will be...
I will be
and soaring...
all the way to the sun.
I will be.


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