Monday, February 8, 2016

Interview with an Idiot

Q: Today we're interviewing our favorite comedic writer Emma Idiot. Emma that's quite a name you have there!

A: Yes well in reality it was I. Emma Idiot, but I dropped the initial and shortened it so it's easier to remember.

Q: Oh well just for the sake of conversation what did the I. stand for?

A: Icabod... it was my great grandfather's name.

Q: Um... Icabod is a man's name and Emma is a girl's name. So...? Are you a guy or girl?


Q: Um? Okay. I see here you have 4 books to your credit, Real live Dead Things, Gravely Terrible Puns and Jokes, Happily Ever After-life and now, Apocalypse Eventually; A Comedy of Biblical Distortions. Is there any differences in these?

A: Yes. Real Live Dead Things is about a couple of ghosts who must change someone before they can move on. Happily Ever After-life is about zealous mice and the techno-apocalypse. Apocalypse Eventually is about a mid-management angel that is thrown to earth to find the retired horsemen. In that one, I think most people would be offended by the cactus. Most of these would be rated pg-13 but Apocalypse Eventually would be rated R … so more for an adult crowd. Writing that last one, I finally let my hair down.

Q: So you wrote with a “no holds barred” mindset?

A: Well yes... but I literally let my hair down because my scrunchie broke.

Q: Ah! Well I'm sure that's interesting to someone. I dunno who...

A: it was interesting to the cat. She chased it across the room.

Q: Lovely. Well in Apocalypse Eventually, I think a lot of people could be offended. What do you have to say in answer to this?

A: I think that God, Creator, IT … has a great sense of humor. Just look at Donald Trump's hair. He could use a scrunchy!

Q: I agree in so much as, you have to understand as you read that a joke is just that. It is there to make you laugh and nothing more. So where can we get these books of yours?

A: or

However, Apocalypse Eventually will not be released for another 2 weeks.

Q: Great! Thanks for being here! And thanks for talking with us today.

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