Friday, January 2, 2015

The New Show & Many Thanks!

As you know I have sadly had to leave my station as a radio commentator, the topics are too dark to think about to the extent of creating shows. I am thankful that I was able to help for a while at least.

At any rate, the new You-tube show is going well. It's educational and is based on a textbook I created. Sarah will put the book buy button up today. I must say about a zillion thanks to all of my many contributors!

Kathleen Shields is even going to have Hamilton Troll, from her award-winning books come to visit us! I'm very excited to have such talent included in my little show!

There are so many others I'd like to thank. Even Sarah's love Roland has pitched in to become our own version of "the nutty professor." That is however not the only help I'm getting.

Talented people like Mark Stidham, does our Buddy the Dog clips. In addition Scottie I plays our friend, "Sir Tincan of Mathdom." There are in addition, many people working their genius behind the scenes, such as Ashley Scott, who does our subtitles and our prize intern Charli Fountain, who helps me brainstorm and helps with concepts! Two people we couldn't live without is Diane N. and Katherine "This Needs To Be Said," Waddell... they help me learn all of the tech stuff... WHICH shows much patience on their part. (lol)

I am also thankful for the kids watching so a special thanks to Tyler, Shayne and Fallon ... because I make these for them! They inspire me!

This show being put together is very difficult and frustrating. That being said, I LOVE doing it! It's soooooo relaxing! I'll keep 'em coming, if you keep watching! And hey don't forget to buy the book as it funds the show!

That's my side of it,

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