Sunday, October 13, 2013


Good meeting!

Went to an AA speaker meeting today. I really liked what I heard. The man speaking was a prominent lawyer who owns a law firm. He is also a sex addict and rage addict.

While alcohol is a disease it is also a symptom of some larger issue during childhood, (for most of us abuse and or incest) and while he never stated his childhood issue he did address the subject. Self esteem issues come into play a lot with us. Our parents did the best they could with what they had.... no matter how poorly we might have been raised. That having been said, they may not have had the tools, but we were still left with the consequences. That, he said is separate. While we can not blame our parents we still have to deal with the consequences. We have to deal with the pain... without drinking/drugging.... without self-medicating, because otherwise our sobriety is just a flash-in-the-pan and will not last long.

TRUTH... we drink because we are drunks. No one else can be blamed for our drinking but us. We all reach an age of accountability wherein our discernment tells us right from wrong. If I shot you out of pain... would you still be just as dead? Yes and you can't be put on trial for being dead now can you?

In other words, pain is NO excuse to injure those around us EVER. As I said self-esteem issues come into play for a LOT of us. However drinking, drugging and injuring those we claim to love has never really increased anyone's self-esteem. Therefore if you are an injurious person, expect those around you to see it as an excuse to drink and drug.

So how is the best way to increase one's self-esteem? By doing esteem-able acts. In other words if you are using “Mommy didn't hug me enough as an excuse to destroy those around you.... how does my sponsor put it to me when I am being an ass-hat? Oh yes... Come down off the cross and use the wood to build a bridge to get over it.

If we want people to respect us, if we want to respect ourselves then there is only one solution left and that is to behave in a respectable manner.

That's my side of it,

PS. Don't know what's going on with my book. Will let you know when I have it sorted. Xxxooo
Sorry it should say on the bottom

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