Thursday, May 29, 2014


So I donated about 10 copies of my book Snapshots From Home to a homeless shelter, but this one is a bit different. This shelter gets addicts off the streets here and helps them clean up their act. In addition they help them get their GEDs so that they can go to college, get better jobs and so on.

Did I do this because I'm an addict? Because it's a good cause? Because at least they can use and appreciate them? All true but that's not why. It's actually the same reason I've taught children to read ... and the same reason I do most things actually. Simply, because I was at hand.

In my little world this is why any and everything gets done. I think that if you can lend a hand and you are near do so. Is this true in every situation ... no. Like any other first you survey the scene. If you're a young girl alone and a "lost" guy stops in an unmarked van and needs directions.... run. But it never hurts to help as many people as you can in whatever ways that you can.

My best friend and her husband had trouble teaching their youngest to read. They both worked, neither really knew the tricks that phonics required also the child could really test your patience when she didn't want to learn something. Teaching reading just turned out to be something I knew how to do and I was available.

This little girl has never forgotten. Every year when she aces the state test she calls and thanks me. That makes it all worth it. It never hurts to help each other out. Plus you get to like yourself a bit more ... now that is a pay-off!

Next blog should contain an excerpt from the second in the series, "March Hare Blues" as I think you'll get a kick. It started as a woman's drama but turned into a horror, psycho-thriller. I hope you'll be pleased.

That's my side of it,

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