Thursday, November 21, 2013

Racist Food

Racist Sandwiches???

Since I write for kids in trouble and their parents I just had to put this one out there. Here is a link to a disturbing article about how peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are a racist thing to eat.

There's a link to the Tribune who first covered this issue in that link. Now this principal maintains that because sandwich bread is something that usually only Americans have that somehow to serve it in our schools somehow makes the school racist. Eating a sandwich now qualifies you as a racist? If I drink tea am I sexist? At first it seems innocent enough... people from different cultures tend to eat different things. But think about that for just 2 minutes and look at it in reverse. If I invite my Hispanic friends over and only serve them beans and rice... do they not THEN feel singled out? Are we now to assume that a starving child form Ethiopia who ate in her home only one small teaspoon of rice a day (because that's all they had) comes to this country for a better life where we are all told, the streets are filled to the sky with food... am I really supposed to give this child only one spoonful of rice because that's what she's used to? But let's don't go all fanatical on this belief yet. The kids in her school are even feeling uncomfortable with these seminars and workshops on, “Courageous Conversations” as they are called which is where the whole thing started.

Take heart though this was not just one educator's idea so let's not blame her too much. She learned this nonsense (she claims) at a workshop. So stupidity, ignorance and reverse-racism is now something that needs to be taught? And it's evil is cloaked in none other than (GASP) the horrifying form of a (this is the part where we cover small children's ears) peanut butter sandwich? This is the time in this country where in we need to call out the Jesus grilled cheese and have that crap exorcised.

It used to be in this country that we were proud just to be Americans. We were proud to be Native Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans or whatever and we were fine with that. We lived in a melting pot, things like food got changed around, mixed up whatever... but this had no relevance. Because in the end we were Americans and just that. Our parents taught us about what we needed to know about our back-home cultures and we were fine with that. We were just proud and happy to be American period.
The problems with schools will always exist I am certain. Tenure doesn't help. Promoting idiots to positions of power over teachers in order to get them away from the classrooms and helpless children they are teaching doesn't help either. I think though it is time to stop blaming students, teachers, tests, parents and yes even principals. Mostly let's stop blaming sandwiches. Let's stop blaming period and let's just get back to being a regular old melting pot. Let's be proud of who we were, who we are, who we will become together. It was Martin Luther King Jr. who said, “on the content of our character and NOT the color of our skin.” They tell me he made the best PB&J you ever tasted too!

That's my side of it,


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