Saturday, November 23, 2013


Going on a romantic trip at some point.... a birthday present from my husband! Which brings me to a topic mentioned in my book... relationship dynamics.

I am not going to tell you how to spot a cheater. I am not going to tell you how to fix your relationship / marriage ect. I am not going to give you a Dear Abbey quick fix. I am going instead to tell you about my husband, the very face of love. I am going to reveal what it means to be my husband... sort of.

True or False... I first saw my husband across a crowded room and when the smoke cleared and our eyes met we fell passionately in love and threw each other to the ground in a fiery embrace... FALSE. I am disabled. On our very first date my husband was learning to put me on and off a bed pan.

Multiple choice
When I first laid eyes on my husband he was:
A) driving a fancy sports car
B) pulling down a kool 60K a year
C) hanging with the popular crowd and looking awesome in his leather jacket
D) None of the above
D.... when we first met he was penniless and jobless and for the most part so was I.

True or False There is a difference between passion, sex and intimacy, love. TRUE. When people pick the partner they want to share their lives with, they don't tend to chose what will really work. We tend to decide based on looks, status, pay-roll. The truth is that beauty fades, companies downsize and status never lasts. Passion is a flame that burns very high and seems to singe the soul... but fires don't burn forever. Passion is most times just a flash in the pan (No pun intended.)

Real love that lasts will actually last in a realistic situation. You may think your partner would love you enough to take care of you when you are infirm, and you might even be 100% correct in saying that. But would you change your partner's dirty diapers?
See that's real. Real is sickness and health... and sometimes sickness lasts forever. Until you are that committed to another person you can't declare that you have found the only person on earth for you.

There is as vast a difference between love and sex as there is between a parent and a vending machine. One has nothing to do with the other and neither can one prove the existence of the other.
Contrary to popular belief, sex does not make you an adult. Sex does not make you cool. Sex does not make you popular. Sex does not make you, “in love.” The only thing that having sex makes you become is... sexually active.

That's my side of it,


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