Friday, February 7, 2014

love note

Hi guys. I have been way too busy to blog. Really sorry I missed you.

So soon it is Valentines and tomorrow is our anniversary (of sorts) so.... my thoughts turn to love. And so in light of this I would like to share a letter here I have written to my husband.

Hey Cowboy,

You to me are the very face of love, and I know you think that's just a compliment or me trying to be sweet, but TRUTH I am not yet convinced that I have ever truly loved before.

Why do I feel this way so strongly? Not just because you are brilliant... which you are... but also... well look at you! You treat me like a goddess. You support me, you make me feel so awesome about myself. You act like I am some great and mysterious treasure. I love that. If it weren't for you encouraging me to I'd have never submitted this book! I'd have left it to collect dust as it had for years. Look where I am now. Own part of that because it is yours too.

Remember when we had nothing? No home, no jobs, no money. We thought we'd never get out of that mess. God has blessed us richly... He blessed me with you. I thank Him every day for that. I love you cowboy. You are my life.


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