Saturday, April 5, 2014

silly dictionary

Wetter's dictionary.... bringing TRUE definition to your every day life

bird feeder n- rodent attractor

car-pooling v. - the conscious act of collecting back-seat drivers daily on a completely voluntary basis. See also road rage

coupon n. - a piece of colorful paper that deducts miniscule amounts of money from prices that have been tripled

Dinning room suit n. - a set of furnishings that force dogs to beg for food and babies to begin crying

economy n - an imaginary mind set probably started in ancient lore that assumes that the general public has currency to spend

financial cushion n.- the funds you had in your bank account before the car broke down

free trial n. - an imaginary state in which normally mild-mannered people froth at the mouth and volunteer to receive hidden debit charges that will be billed later

hum drum n. - the sound a toddlers makes in it's throat just before he or she begins to throw the mother of all temper tantrums

organic adj-. A colorful price-sticker that magically triples the price of what other people are eating.

plan- n. a list prepared in one's head of things to do today normally canceled due to husbands, children and even in the most trivial sense dry-cleaning

squirrel n - a self-animated, furry squeak toy for dogs

survey n -. the one guaranteed way to get off of the phone with the cable company with certainty that your complaint will actually go through before it is ignored

Sugar-free adj – containing powerful laxatives

taxes n - a political mind set in which voters of a district pay excess money in order to receive tax breaks that will allow them to enjoy waiting for the return of smaller amounts of excess money

That's my side of it,

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