Saturday, July 12, 2014

Book 1 mini-bite

Diaries of the Cheshire Girls
Book 1 of The Shattered Looking Glass series
#addiction #sobriety #inhalants #drunkorexia #incest

Those dragons are real bastards too. They climb into your bed, instead of staying under the bed where they belong. They whisper into your ear, I can get to you anywhere, any time. So it's a secret and if you tell I'll kill your Mom!”


Q Angel Dunworth you wrote Cheshire Girls under the name Hatter. You have stated that the entire series is a cracked version of Wonderland. Exactly how cracked?

A Pretty cracked, yet I stayed away from truly graphic descriptions. I kept the integrity and the reality is shocking and gritty. I truly believe though that people are basically smart enough to figure out what sex is without going into detail.

Q You seem to deal with mostly what you've called, “negative mind-sets.” Yet you claim that your books are empowering. How can your fans believe both?

A Alot of my characters start out with some really toxic ideas. Most find a way to work through them. I think our darkness has something to teach us. I feel that provided we learn from it, rather than dwell in it we can find a veritable smorgasbord of strength and ultimately questions that we weren't aware we had. Those questions will lead us to epiphanies if we follow their lead.

Q Most of your work seems to be rooted in relationship dynamics. Does that mean romance?

A No, not necessarily. But if we really look at it, most of the mistakes we make whether mother-daughter, boyfriend-girlfriend or even sister-brother are the same mistakes on different levels. In the end it's all about boundaries and whether or not we decide to respect them.

Q What makes this series unique?

A For one thing I don't pull punches. I think mostly though its the simple fact that each is a stand alone novel. Each has a different story with it's own resolution. It really doesn't matter which one you pick up first. You aren't going to get lost in who's who or where the last book left off. You also get an ending to each story. You don't have to wait around wondering, “Where will this end? Will it ever?”

Q Where can we get these intriguing books of yours?

A It's best to go to the site:
There we have buy buttons so that consumers can shop around. Presently Lulu is where print books are sold.

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