Thursday, July 31, 2014


Well yes, I can't take credit. The next released poetry book will be by the talented writer Sharon Newell! It is in addition a photo journal and the photos were shot by none other than the internationally noted photographer Gabriele Mezzatesta. As visually exciting as his images are, her words sultry and sweet are guaranteed to evoke emotions of the passions and frailties and yes the understated power that women display when overcoming obstacles.
Just a taste:

I’m exactly like a finely aged tree
The rings on its cut branch shows the layers of its life
It has no regrets about the way the rings formed,
The time it took to end that layer and begin a new one
It regrets not the reason behind the scars it forms when part of it is cut
It forces itself to grow taller, to grow stronger
To never regrets because it knows, if it regrets at all, it will wither to nothing
And that can never be an option

Amazing huh? She can write! So tune in often because there are many more surprises to come!
That's my side of it,

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