Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Failure through the eyes of an addict

 My Nanna used to say, “Nothing beats a failure but a try.” Sure that's true... slow and steady wins the race and all that crap. But a lot of times I think failure gets a really bad rap. If you never fail then how do you ever learn?

When you were a baby did you pop out of your mom and just start running? No! In order to learn to walk you had to lift your head, roll side to side, sit-up, wobble, bounce, stand, step and walk. I assure you to learn all of that, to finally master walking you had to fall on your ass a lot!!!

Failure teaches us something new every time we screw-up. Does that mean make a habit of it? No. Repeating the same behavior and expecting different results is the textbook definition of insanity. How though does one measure lessons learned and the long journey to success if not by failure?

In AA we say, “will not regret our past neither wish to shut the door on it.” I was a severe asshole, so why wouldn't I regret that? Because it took that screwed-up person to make this spiritually healthy person. Had I never mis-stepped I might have never realized that there were other people on earth but me. I might just have ambled along thinking that anyone who ever screwed-up in the least was a heathen blight on the face of humanity. I had to fall down in order to learn what getting back up was about.
While it is true that you can't hit bottom until you stop digging, there is much to be learned from failure about success. Also it is from failure that we learn to teach others and help a brother out when needed!

That's my side of it,


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