Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Hey guys,
Took a couple of days off. Hope that's okay. My handsome husband is taking me away for another honeymoon.... so this weekend no blog. But hey he is the only one for me and in my last moments in this realm, I doubt seriously I'll be wishing, “If only I'd spent more time blogging!” lol
So I'll be away and happy.

OK so Alpha Wolf Publishing is having a writing competition for a medal called, “Leader of the Pack” and I already have my entry in. They are going to put everyone's short stories into a compilation. So I think mine is really good and I hope you will pick it up when it comes out. We have some pretty amazing writers and publishers there. So basically there will be a little something for every one.

Okay so I have a lot of promo ideas too that are getting me excited as well. The website... or at least finding someone local that I am comfortable with to build and maintain it has kind of hit a lull. Will let you know later what happens there.

I have to say that I love the work now matter how much it piles up however you must understand that I am severely disabled and some days... there will just not be a blog as it does take a tremendous toll on my body to sit here and write for too long. Do me this kindness and forgive.

I'm pretty excited because tomorrow Ron is coming for his painting lesson too. He is very kindly and good company! I have to confide that I never wanted to live in Texas but now that I'm here I have to say... TEXAS ROCKS!!!!!!

That's my side of it,
Angel xxoo

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