Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lit Fest 2

OMG! You guys I am so psyched about this literacy fest that I am planning with my new publisher. It's a new house so I am triple excited to be working there. I am by nature a gifter... I love people's faces when they get a present! So if you mix those 2 things... you get... trouble! Lol

Because I am totally excited and possibly even manic right now I have made like a zillion promos. Magnets, memo pads, banners, even those clips you use to bind documents.

Its funny all I ever wanted was to be fine artist when I was young. I took every art class because eveyone said I had talent.. and since I was disabled but winning contests that brought money into the school my last 2 years they started creating art classes just for me to graduate. One of those classes was comercial art. At the time ads were cut and paste by hand and I hated that so never did the work. However EVERY lecture, film, seminar lab I attended with great joy. It was one of the most intruiging classes I ever took. Why? Because there's this weird thing I noticed about people. They know what they want to buy... then they see an ad or comercial and go to the store and buy everything they didn't want. I always wondered how that worked because I do it too! Lol

Do you know what great secret I learned in comercial art? It isn't the art work, displays or ads that sells... it's the basis of an idea … and MOSTLY it's the wording! Amazing huh? It's true. If I am going today to buy an air conditioner okay? But I see a coupon or ad that says, “20% 0ff with WORKING referal” I will go with that company. However if that company gets no business from that referal I don't get my discount. While I know this I still buy from that coupon.

People love a discount or a freebee. WHY? Because when someone hands us something free or gives us a discount we are under the impression that we got one over on them! So in short advertising and discounts are nothing more than reverse psychology.

Since I had a house full of teens for years.. I am a PRO! LOL

That's my side of it,

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